Number of the records: 1  

Semenov, Jurij N., nar. 1894

  1. Personal nameSemenov, Jurij N., nar. 1894
    Other nameSemenov, Jurij Nikolaevič, nar. 1894
    Semjonow, Juri, nar. 1894
    Semjonov, Jurij, nar. 1894
    Semenov, Juri, nar. 1894
    Semionov, Youri, nar. 1894
    Semyonov, Yuri, nar. 1894
    Biographical NoteRuský historik a geopolitik, práce z oboru.
    FilePersonal names and family names file
    References (1) - Knihy


Number of the records: 1  

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