Number of the records: 1
Signatura P348\10 Author Erckmann, Emile, 1822-1899 (Author) Title statement Waterloo / Émile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian ; přeložil Karel Popelka Another responsib. Chatrian, Alexandre, 1826-1890 (Author) Popelka, Karel, nar. 1876 (Translator) Issue data Praha : Vesmír, 1926 Phys.des. 182 s. Copy count 1, currently available 1 book
Track No. Location Sublocation Info 273206/58 Sklady Centrální sklad Keywords francouzská literatura * historické romány Database Knihy Annotation Román z doby Napoleonovy. Country No place, unknown, or undetermined Language Czech Loading…
Number of the records: 1